Tutoring Spring 2025

Tutorial services are offered by the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation and the University Center for Academic Excellence. Tutoring locations are split across the Language Resource Center and the UCAE.

You may visit a tutor for a variety of reasons, primary among those:

  • To get support with homework (Note: Tutors will NOT do homework for you!)
  • To practice speaking
  • To clarify grammar points, vocabulary, and sentence structure

Drop-in Tutoring: Language Resource Center (Mebane 434)

Drop-in tutoring in the Language Resource Center does not require an appointment; however, you may have to wait if the tutor is busy with another student. This semester, this option is only available for French and Italian. For all other languages, please see the section below, “Tutoring Available by Appointment.”

French (All levels): Tuesday, 9:00am – 1:00pm

Italian (All levels): Friday, 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Tutoring Available by Appointment

Tutoring for the following languages requires booking an online appointment via the Connect system explained by accessing the following document: Tutoring Appointment Instructions. These tutoring sessions take place in the Colvard building.






